I tried for my 4.3 mile route but cut it short before the hill. I am proud to say that even with my shorter route I still managed 3.6 miles.
Remember my 420 steps down yesterday? Well, my legs certainly remember and who's bright idea was it to bike and use the same already strained muscles? Oh yea, that was me.
Now I am at work and for fear of never being able to stand up again I have to stand up every few minutes to keep my legs from seizing.
Today I seriously considered taking a break and not going at all. I don't want to do that, no matter how tired I am. I need to keep going. I'm afraid if I take a day off it will lead to me stopping completely. I'll take a break once I've been at this a while longer and it's habit more than necessity.
Since my ride was shorter I decided to work out with my punching bag. I hit it 200 times with each fist in different methods. I also lifted a 5 lb weight for 10 reps each direction, (Sorry I don't know the name of the different styles for lifting weights).
My big accomplishment for the day was 14 bench push ups at the start of my ride and 14 bench push ups at the end of my ride! For those of you who are new to my blog, bench push ups are my nemesis, in fact I hate ANY push ups. This is why I started doing bench push ups. The more I force myself the better off I'll be. I started at 10 and I am up to 14. Today I proved to myself that I am capable of more. Tomorrow I will do push ups at the start and end of my route!
For now I leave you with my yoga pose of the day. You may find me in a similar pose while standing at my desk (my foot does NOT go that high...yet!)
Tree Pose

Yoga begins with stability and balance, and no yoga poses teach them better than the one-legged balancing Tree. Patience, please: Trees take hundreds of years to become strong, rooted, and stable, so it will take you some time to get grounded, too.
Stand tall with your feet hip-distance apart and your arms at your sides. Shift your weight onto the left foot. Bend your right knee and, reaching down, use your right hand to place your right foot on the inside of the left thigh, just above the knee. Open the right knee out to the side.
Be the tree: Imagine that your left foot has roots growing out the bottom of it that anchor you, and visualize your torso as the stable trunk. Make sure your pelvis faces forward.
Bring your hands together in front of your chest in prayer position. Fix your gaze to a spot on the wall in front of you to help your balance. Stay here for a full minute, or as long as you can. Slowly lower your arms, then come back to standing. Repeat on the other side.
Do the yoga pose on the first side again. This time bring your arms overhead with hands separated shoulder-width apart and palms facing one another. Visualize your arms as a tree's branches, strong and steady. Repeat the pose (with the arms overhead) on the other side.
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