At the first entrance to Whitegate Cres I almost got hit by a car. There was a lady who stopped at the stop sign and I continued across the street only I guess she hadn't looked my way because as I was in front of her car she started to pull out. I was inches from being hit by her car. Thankfully, she saw me and stopped in time. She looked more shaken up by the incident than I was. It did give my heart a good pounding though. I made a conscious decision not to be angry about it. Accidents happen and it was only 5:30 in the morning. So, I just thanked God and kept walking.
I decided to go up Claridge instead of down Beatrice and around. Well I guess I was walking slower than usual today because by the time I got back home it had been an hour. I usually try to get home by 6 or shortly after so I can get ready for work without having to rush. I made it home by 6:20 and had to run around getting everything together. See this is what I get for staying up later than usual.
I still got to work with plenty of time to get my tea and coffee, so all in all not too bad for someone who did NOT want to go this morning. I managed to walk 2.6 miles (4.2 km). Hmm looking at that now I realize why it took me longer...I went further. My usual long walk is 2 miles not 2.6. Well how about that. I went further than I thought! That's great!
Have a blessed day. God is watching over you.
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