So I did work out last Thursday and it was a GREAT workout! But I lost my little piece of paper I wrote it down on so I'm going from memory.

I biked 3.4 miles to the Barrhaven gym. I did 5 or 10 minutes on the Elliptical. I worked on lower body so I did my regular machines. Although I did decide I'm going to do one static weight with multiple sets. All of my sets have 12 reps.

Total Biking: 5.9 miles

Back Ext: 175 lbs x 4 sets

Elliptical: .20 miles L8 2 minutes

Leg Curl: 70 lbs x 4 sets

Elliptical: .20 miles L8 2 minutes

Leg Ext: 70 lbs x 4 sets

Elliptical: .20 miles L8 2 minutes

Leg Press: 190 x 4 sets

Elliptical: .20 miles L8 2 minutes

Hip Abduction: 130 lbs x 4 sets

Hip Adduction: 130 lbs x 4 sets

Ab Thingy: 1 set x 12 (no weight at this time) (the machine you lean over and pull your body up)

Good Morning. I did it again. I got up at 4:45 am. I biked to Fallowfield, caught the early bus and was at the gym by 6. Today was upper body. I think I've got to revamp this workout, it just doesn't seem like it's enough. I feel like I'm missing something. Maybe it's just because I'm so used to doing triceps and biceps.

Sunday I made dinner for my husband's grandmother and two great aunts. April 20th was his aunts birthday, she's 97! I know how much she likes curry so I made her a nice dinner. Well she tells me I've lost weight. She also tells me I'm wonderful and have nice hair and a nice face! LOL the stuff elderly say! It was a nice ego boost and brings me to another discussion...

I've lost about 10 lbs since New Years. I know I was up close to 250 lbs. On March 23 I weighed 247. Today I weigh 240. I don't feel like I've lost anything. I'm not proud or happy about it. When people tell me I've lost weight I argue and tell them I haven't. I figure because after I gave birth to Riley I weighed 235 that anything before that isn't losing weight. It's taking off what shouldn't have been there. But really none of it "should" be on my body and weight lost is still weight lost. I did gain all that weight I should be proud when it comes off regardless of how many lbs or what my current weight is.

Biking: 4 miles

Treadmill: 0.70 miles / 1.14 km / 13 minutes / 93 cal

Seated Row:
55 lbs x 12
70 x 10
85 x 8
100 x 6
70 x 12

Elliptical: 0.25 miles / 0.40 km / 2 min / L8 / 33 cal (one minute in reverse)

Lateral Pull Down:
55 lbs x 12
70 x 10
85 x 8
100 x 6
70 x 12

Elliptical: 0.23 miles / 0.37 km / 2 min / L8 / 33 cal

Shoulder Press:
40 lbs x 12
55 x 10
70 x 8
85 x 6
55 x 12

Elliptical: 0.20 miles / 0.32 km / 2 min / L8 / 30 cal

Abdominal Crunch:
20 lbs x 12
30 x 10
40 x 8
50 x 6
30 x 12

Elliptical: 0.20 miles / 0.32 km / 2 min / L8 / 30 cal

Obliques: 2 sets x 12 x 25 lbs

Reverse Abs: 2 sets x 12

I've started a new gym routine. I'm getting up at 4:45 am again. I'm able to get to the gym by 6 am which gives me a full hour. I'm no longer going to work on my small muscle groups. I'm working all the big muscle groups and adding more cardio. After every machine I'm doing 2-5 minutes of extreme cardio, of course to start I'm only doing 2 minutes, but I'll work my way up.

Let me tell you, it was a very hard workout. I was sweating like crazy! And I'm quite tired today, but that's more from lack of sleep than anything.

Biking: 4 miles / 6.43 km / approx 30 minutes

Cross Ramp: 1 mile / 1.6 km /15 minutes

Back Ext:
145 lbs x 12
160 x 10
175 x 8
190 x 6
160 x 12

Elliptical: 0.22 miles / 2 minutes / Level 10

Leg Curl:
55 lbs x 12
70 x 10
85 x 8
100 x 6
70 x 12

Elliptical: 0.23 miles / 2 minutes / Level 10

Leg Ext:
55 lbs x 12
70 x 10
85 x 8
100 x 6
70 x 12

Elliptical: 0.22 miles / 2 minutes / Level 5

Leg Press:
170 lbs x 12
190 x 10
210 x 8
230 x 6
190 x 12

Elliptical: 0.21 miles / 2 minutes / Level 5

Abdominal Crunch:
20 lbs x 12
30 x 10
40 x 8
50 x 6
30 x 12

Hip Abduction:
100 lbs x 12
115 x 10
130 x 8
145 x 6
115 x 12

Hip Adduction:
100 lbs x 12
115 x 10
130 x 8
145 x 6
115 x 12

Total Interval Elliptical: 0.88 miles / 1.41 km / 8 minutes
Total Cardio Distance: 5.88 miles / 9.44 km
This morning was so hard to get up and out of bed. I managed, barely. I wanted so badly to crawl back into bed. I biked to Fallowfield. I even got their earlier than usual, next week I'll be getting up at 4:45 so I can leave by 5.

I found out Wednesday night that my thyroid checked out okay. I do not have any thyroid problems. I'm not going back to the clinic again. I have been feeling okay lately, but if things get worse again I will go back to the clinic and ask them to test everything they can. For now I'll just leave well enough alone.

Next week my goals are to get up at 4:45 every morning and to start really paying close attention to what I'm eating.

I also plan on putting in some workout time this weekend too.

Biking: 4 miles
Cross Ramp: 0.40 miles / 0.64 km / 5:24 / 70.1 cal


Back Ext:
155 lbs x 12
170 x10
185 x 8
200 x 6
170 x 12

Leg Ext:
55 lbs x 12
70 x 10
85 x 8
100 x 6
70 x 12

Leg Curl:
55 lbs x 12
70 x 10
85 x 8
100 x 6
70 x 12

Leg Press:
210 lbs x 2 sets of x 12 reps

Hip Adduction:
145 lbs x 12

Hip Abduction:
145 lbs x 12

Ab Machine:
20 lbs x 12
30 x 10
40 x 8
50 x 6
30 x 12

Reverse Crunches:
2 sets x 12 reps and 1 set x 6 reps

25 lbs x 2 sets x 12 reps

Biked to GEMS and back: 1.6 miles
We also practiced our dance moves for He Reigns. We'll be performing in front of the girl's parents our last night of GEMS.
Not much to say today so I'll get right to it.

Biking: 4 miles
Elliptical: 0.58 miles / 0.93 km / 78 calories / 6 minutes
This morning's personal goal was to hit .5 miles in under 5 minutes. I did it in 4:56!

UPPER BODY - 1 set of 12 reps each machine
Chest Press: 70 lbs
Lateral Pull Down: 85 x 2, 100 x 12
Shoulder Press: 20
Seated Row: 70
Triceps: 65
Biceps: 65

Crunches: 12 x 3
Reverse: 12 x 2
Obliques: 12 x1

With the arrival of spring brings Spring Cleaning and Tunes Ups. I did a very basic tune up on my bike yesterday but will do a more complete one this week.

Here is a bicycle tune up check list that I found:
  1. Pump it up!
  2. Check for wear and damage
  3. Check break lever and caliper action
  4. Check break-pads
  5. Check cables
  6. Lube the chain
  7. Tighten lose bolts and screws
  8. Clean the bike
So, after 3 weeks of not going to the gym and really not exercising I'm trying to get back to it. Yesterday I put air in my bike tires and WD-40 on my bike chain. I biked a total of 5.2 miles (8.36 km).

I had to pay $1 to put air in my tires! I shared with the next guy who needed air in his car tires. My bike chain fell off, but I'm pretty sure that's because my pants kept catching in the chain. I will never again laugh at another person who tucks their one pant leg into their sock, who knew?

If any of you have ever done any real biking you'll know what happens when you haven't biked in a long time and start out fresh. Your posterior hurts an awful lot, but I'm pushing through the pain. =)

This morning was a challenge in many respects. First was waking up, I desperately wanted to just go back to bed. It's easy to fall into a routine of NOT going to the gym. I finished packing my bag and the next challenge was my gym bag. It's too heavy and awkward, what I need is a large back pack. If my gym bag slips the wrong way I almost topple over. The other issue of course was sitting down on my bike seat, I had to make sure I lifted off the seat when going over large bumps. The important thing is I DID IT!

At the gym, I only worked out for about 30 minutes. Since, I'd already done my cardio with the biking I opted for just a 6 minute warm up on the Elliptical. I didn't want to over do it so I just did 1 set on the machines. I did have moments of feeling dizzy, but I pushed through it. I'll find out Wednesday evening if the problem is my thyroid or if I have to keep looking.

Biking: 4 miles / 6.42 km
Elliptical: 0.54 miles / 0.86 km / 6 minutes / 70 cal

LOWER BODY - 1 set of 12 reps

Back Ext: 175 lbs
Leg Press: 210
Leg Curls: 85
Leg Ext: 85
Hip Adduction: 100
Hip Abduction: 115
Ab Machine: 30 (x2)


2:26 PM | 0 Comments

Good afternoon. It seems I keep being hit with one illness after another. I'm rather sick and tired of being sick and tired. This week I was hit with the flu again! I'm guessing my immune system is weaker than normal and that's why I keep catching what's going around. February I had the flu, March I had a bad head cold and now April the flu! Not to mention in between I've had issues with weakness, fatigue and dizziness. The good news is that I went to the blood lab this morning for my thyroid test. I hope to know sooner than later, but I suspect I won't know until next week. I will keep you posted.

On the bright side of life I seem to have found a solution to my problem of getting up early and trying to get enough time in at the gym and still make it to work by 8 am. I'm going to bike to Fallowfield bus station. I'll buy a lock (I needed to buy one anyway) and bike there in the morning and bike home at night. This way I'll be getting in a lot more cardio! I've got some tuning up to do with my bike so I'll probably get everything ready to go this weekend and start back full throttle Monday, April 20th.

Good day. Well, as you probably noticed I took some time off from the gym. I'm completely weak, exhausted and lightheaded.

We moved to our new place March 29th and we've been setting up ever since. My husband has had to take the brunt of most of the work. I've barely been able to get out of bed in the mornings, let alone make it to the gym.

I've gone to the clinic twice now trying to find out what is wrong with me. At first I thought it was my iron, but that test came back fine. Tuesday I'll be going in for blood work to test my thyroid. It's been so hard to go from having so much energy to none at all. Simple things like carrying my daughter upstairs is a challenge. Standing on the bus when it's full is a challenge.

I did make it to the gym on Tuesday morning. I did not do nearly as much as I would have liked. I even tried to get in more cardio after my weights, but felt like i was going to pass out, so I didn't push it.

Treadmill: 1.03 miles /1.62 km / 11 minutes 43 seconds

FitFix Circuit
Back Extension: 190 lbs
Leg Extension: 85
Leg Curls: 85
Leg Press: 210
Hip Adduction: 100
Hip Abduction: 100
Seated Row: 70
Lateral Pull Down: 100
Chest Press: 70
Shoulder Press: 30
Biceps: 50
Triceps: 50
