
2:26 PM | 0 Comments

Good afternoon. It seems I keep being hit with one illness after another. I'm rather sick and tired of being sick and tired. This week I was hit with the flu again! I'm guessing my immune system is weaker than normal and that's why I keep catching what's going around. February I had the flu, March I had a bad head cold and now April the flu! Not to mention in between I've had issues with weakness, fatigue and dizziness. The good news is that I went to the blood lab this morning for my thyroid test. I hope to know sooner than later, but I suspect I won't know until next week. I will keep you posted.

On the bright side of life I seem to have found a solution to my problem of getting up early and trying to get enough time in at the gym and still make it to work by 8 am. I'm going to bike to Fallowfield bus station. I'll buy a lock (I needed to buy one anyway) and bike there in the morning and bike home at night. This way I'll be getting in a lot more cardio! I've got some tuning up to do with my bike so I'll probably get everything ready to go this weekend and start back full throttle Monday, April 20th.

