Good morning everyone! I've been without the gym since Monday, which is too bad because I was off to such a good start! Riley developed a fever Monday night and wouldn't sleep unless she was laying on me. Needless to say I pretty much didn't sleep Monday - Wednesday. Wednesday night was better, but I'd been without sleep so long it still wasn't enough. Last night was a much better sleep.
This morning I was determined to put in 5 km and I did it! I still can't believe it 1 hour and 5.1 km later I did it! I walked of course, but I did manage to jog a few minutes near the end so I could make it to 5 km in 60 minutes.
I'm so proud of myself! I even lost a pound this week and I must admit I have not eaten well. But I have managed to find ways of keeping active this week. Wednesday night I was home early and took my kids for a long walk. Thursday I started work early and helped move office supplies for over an hour and last night I walked home from the bus station.
An addition to my Sorry Blog from Monday:
This morning I noticed that it isn't just me who says sorry. I wish I could set up a tape recorder for a day and count how many times women say sorry. It is quite the epidemic. I myself said it only once this morning when I almost collided into another woman.
Treadmill: 3.17 miles (5.1 km), 60:19 min, 409 calories
This morning I was determined to put in 5 km and I did it! I still can't believe it 1 hour and 5.1 km later I did it! I walked of course, but I did manage to jog a few minutes near the end so I could make it to 5 km in 60 minutes.
I'm so proud of myself! I even lost a pound this week and I must admit I have not eaten well. But I have managed to find ways of keeping active this week. Wednesday night I was home early and took my kids for a long walk. Thursday I started work early and helped move office supplies for over an hour and last night I walked home from the bus station.
An addition to my Sorry Blog from Monday:
This morning I noticed that it isn't just me who says sorry. I wish I could set up a tape recorder for a day and count how many times women say sorry. It is quite the epidemic. I myself said it only once this morning when I almost collided into another woman.
Treadmill: 3.17 miles (5.1 km), 60:19 min, 409 calories