Good Morning! I had a rough weekend. I was very bitchy and tired the entire weekend. Yet, this morning I feel great! I think I've figured out why my weekends haven't been as happy as they should be. February seems to be the hardest month fo the year for me. I had some major problems last February with depression.

Next weekend I'm going to keep getting up early to workout. I'll have to workout at home, but as long as I have a plan it'll be fine. Working out is definitely affecting my moods for the better and really I only benefit from working out on the weekends too. I will keep you posted.

You may have noticed my title...I'm So Sorry. I've noticed lately that I say sorry a lot! Especially at the gym and in the girl's change room. Why do people find they have to apologize for everything. I need to plug my hair dryer in why do I say sorry? Excuse me works just as well. Why do I say sorry when someone needs to get by me? How many times have I blogged that I'm sorry, for not posting or for being sick or for whatever? Sorry I bothered you, sorry I'm in your way. Why did sorry become the norm?

I realized saying sorry at the gym is because I feel like I don't belong. I need to remind myself I'm paying for this and i have as much right to be there as anyone else. I wonder how many times we say sorry more because we feel self-conscious or due to low self esteem. Something to ponder. I found another sorry blog you can read here.

My workout today was just cardio. Tomorrow I will do cardio and upper body.

Treadmill: 1.94 miles (3.12 km), 40:44 minutes, 280 calories


Pere Vert said...

you're right. to many sorry... like your blog. personnelly I was never been able to stick to a gym even on prozac.

Have a nice day,

