Buenos días mis amigos! The weather is warmer today. It would be nice if the sun was out too, but I'll take what I can get.

Last night I didn't eat after 8 pm, BUT I did eat chocolate. I have a weakness for dark chocolate and mint. I finished the box. So, that didn't go very well, but I didn't have anything else. Usually I have a big snack at night like nachos or a bag of popcorn. Tonight will be better, there's no more mint chocolates left.

Last night I fell asleep on my husband before 9:30. He kept waking me up telling me to go to bed. Finally, I got up, packed my gym bag and made my lunch. All I wanted to do was crawl into bed, but I knew if I did I wouldn't go to the gym. I'm so glad I took the time last night. It made this morning was so much easier to get up and go.

At the gym, I did a whole hour on the treadmill! I even managed some running. I must say I'm starting to understand why people do it. There is such a wonderful feeling you get from running! I walked most of the hour but really pushed it the last 15 minutes. It's easier to run after walking for so long.

Last Friday I was introduced to belly dancing. I really love it! I'm looking into joining a class. I'm hoping to find one starting in the summer when GEMS is over. That way I'll still only have something that takes me out of the house once a week.

Tomorrow is upper body day!


Treadmill: 3.16 miles (5.08 km) / 60 minutes 34 seconds / 449 calories


Dany Leblanc C.H. said...

Good job! sending even more of my followers your way that should motivate you even more!
