Happy Days

10:11 AM | 0 Comments

I know I said I was going to take the BodyFlow class this morning, but Riley is not feeling well. I'm not sure what is wrong exactly. She's cutting a tooth and that usually brings out cold symptoms, but she sounds all throaty and hoarse when she cries, no runny nose, no fever. I'm concerned she may have a throat infection again, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Oh ya, so the point is she woke at 4:30 and wouldn't lay back down so we slept on the couch together. I set my alarm for 6:30 and went back to sleep. I woke at 6:15 and laid her in bed, she stayed down. I got everything together and hopped on the bus to go to the Queen Street Good Life.

I walked/ran for 1 mile (18 min including cool down). Then I did 1 set of 12 reps per machine. Since I arrived later than I expected to I didn't work out as long as I wanted , but at least I went! Tomorrow is my second appointment with my personal trainer, so I'm sure I will have lots to tell you tomorrow.

Until then...Be Blessed!

